About a year ago around this time I had a severely pulled hamstring playing football at Foothill and was at a crossroad in my life. I was recording with a friend who made beats but not too seriously. One day in deep thought I sat down and wrote a 70 line song that ended up turning into Roc Boys that ended up being my most successful and popular song with people I know. I wrote that song in the car the day I went to go tell my dad I wasn't sure I wanted to play football on the half broken blackberry I had at the time. From that point I felt something in me that told me to pursue it.
After a lot of thought I stopped playing football to put more time to my music. While I had a lot of support I felt I had a lot of people look at me like I was crazy which I almost expected. I worked real hard and developed a crazy work ethic when it came to working on music. I was constantly writing, constantly trying to create some sort of innovation in what I do. I feel there is a wide open fan base in the South Bay and even the Bay Area as a whole that I want to capture. I almost feel like Batman in a way that I have to sacrifice a lot to reach a dream that I feel benefits everyone around me.
This brings me to the whole point of this post. In the past few months I've seen some amazing things happen in my career and tough things happen in my life. I've had my music spread to places I didn't think it would spread this early in my career and had my first show that I think went really well. At a certain point I kinda chalked up Late August as a learning experience and felt there wasn't much more I can do with it and started planning other things but because of you guys it gained a second wind and earned me a lot of fans. I've met a lot of people and heard a lot of stories from those people. Some who believe in me and some who I can tell don't at all. The first group of people may be called dreamers or delusional while the second group could be realists or simply non-believers. I fasted 48 hours a few days ago to gain strength from God for the road ahead of me. A lot of ground will be covered in a short amount of time and I want to be fully ready for it mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I have a lot of visions on what can be done in my city and the bay area and I want everyone to know that I do it for you guys. We got lost in the shuffle of music and too many times we are left with no real figure to be proud of from here. I want to change that and really spark some buzz and anticipation in MIlpitas/San Jose and the bay area altogether. So if your a dreamer then believe that we can do this and if your a realist open your mind so I can change it.
Life is what happens when you're busy planning making other plans-John LennonThat quote to me is the story of my career. I didn't plan to be here nor did was I bred to become this. It happened and I ran with it and never looked back. I would much rather pursue my dreams and live life with no regrets then think in 10 years 'I wish I would have done that'.
So to really get to my point because I haven't been, I want to thank everyone who has supported what I have been doing and what I will do. I really appreciate you guys and you are what keeps me going. We got a lot planned for the rest of 2009 and I truly care that you guys care. To all the people who have not only supported it but helped it know that your helping a movement because that's where we are going to take this. Does all this sound very ambitious? yes but I'm a dreamer and I know nothing else but having visions. With my dreams I want to take over the world so I can leave my mark on it in some shape or form. It sounds crazy but as a wise James Bond did say in "Tomorrow never Dies"-
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success. So my job is to make you guys see me as a genius. haha. I'm about to take this whole city to
Flight School(word to Top Gun) and we're gonna make this area higher then it's ever been. Believe now because the non-believers will be wishing you did when we get there.
So I ask one thing.
Anyone who is or has been or is starting to support me leave a comment of support on this post so I can see early in my career who was really there from the start. If you don't believe in me leave a comment of non support because there would be no such thing as a great artist if he does have good and bad opinions. I have to have some people to prove wrong.
Flight School Remix coming soon.
More loose songs coming soon
Mixtape this summer.
Music video shoot early summer.
And an undisclosed event still in the works.
We are moving.
To Milpitas/San Jose, I got you. I got us..