Friday, October 31, 2008
"I'm fearless, Now hear this, I'm earless"
I think this is easily one of the most underrated songs of recent time. This is the definition of word play and metaphors right here. I feel like it went over everyones head. Like dude made a video for it and released it as a single and people still don't get it. To me this solidified as Lupe as one of the elite in hip hop and just songwriting in general. Everytime I listen to this I always find a new metaphor I didn't catch before. Listen to it a few times and try to decipher this.
[Verse 1:]
I'm fearless
Now hear this
I'm earless
And I'm peerless
That means I'm eyeless
Which means I'm tearless
Which means my iris resides where my ears is
Which means I'm blinded
But I'mma find it I can feel it's nearness
But I'mma veer so I don't come near
Like a chicken or a deer
But I remember I'm not a listener or a seer so my windshield smear
Here, you steer, I really shouldn't be behind this, clearly cause my blindness
The windshield is minstrel, the whole grill is roadkill, so trill and so sincere. Yeah, I'm
Both them there
Took both pills, when a bloke in a trench coat and the locs in the chair had approached him
And he clear as a ghost, so a biter of the throats in the mirror
The writer of the quotes for the ghosts who supplier of the notes to the living
Riveting is rosy, pockets full of posies, given to the mother of the deceased. Awaken at war,
'til I'm restin' in peace
[Chorus 1:]
You goin' over $+%%@$' heads Lu (Dumb it down)
They tellin' me that they don't feel you (Dumb it down)
We ain't graduate from school %*@!$ (Dumb it down)
Them big words ain't cool %*@!$ (Dumb it down)
Yeah I heard Mean And Vicious %*@!$ (Dumb it down)
Make a song for the #*%+$%! %*@!$ (Dumb it down)
We don't care about the weather %*@!$ (Dumb it down)
You'll sell more records if you (Dumb it down)
[Verse 2:]
And I'm mouthless
Which means I'm soundless
Now as far as the hearing, I've found it
It was as far as the distance from the earring to the ground is
But the doorknockers on the ear of a stewardess in a Lear
She fine and she flyin, I feel I'm flying by'em 'cause my mind's on cloud nine and I'm a mime
At the same time
Pimps see the wings on the underground king
Who's also Klingon
To infinity and beyond
Something really stinks, but I Spinks like Leon
Or lying in the desert
I'm flying on pegasus you're flying on the pheasant
Rider of the white powder, picker of the fire flowers, spit hot fire like Dylon on Chappelle's
Yeah, smell it on my unicorn, snort the white horse, but toot my own horn (sleep)
[Chorus 2:]
You've been shedding too much light Lu (Dumb it down)
You make'em wanna do right Lu (Dumb it down)
They're getting self-esteem Lu (Dumb it down)
These girls are trying to be queens Lu (Dumb it down)
They're trying to graduate from school Lu (Dumb it down)
They're starting to think that smart is cool Lu (Dumb it down)
They're trying to get up out the hood Lu (Dumb it down)
I'll tell you what you should do (Dumb it down)
[Verse 3:]
And I'm brainless
Which means I'm headless
Like Ichabod Crane is
Or foreplay-less sex is
Which makes me stainless
With no neck left to hang the chain with
Which makes me necklace-less
Like a necklace theft
And I ain't used my headrest yet
They said they need proof like a vestless chest 'bout the best, fair F-F-jet in the nest
Who exudes confidence and excess depth
Even Scuba Steve would find it hard to breathe
Around these leagues
My snorkle is a tuba, Lu the ruler around these seas
Westside Poseidon, Westside beside'em, chest high and rising
Almost touching the knees of stewardess and the pilot
Lucky they make it flowered
Personal floating devices, tricks falling out of my sleeves
David Blaine
Make it rain
Make a boat
I make a plane
Then, I pull the plug and I make it drain
Until I feel like flowing and filling it up again..(Westside)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"Yes We Can..."
"..Change the world.."

Anyone who knows me knows I have followed politics pretty closely for quite some time. I always promised myself I wouldn't ever strongly express my views on this blog because it was really intended for me to advertise my music and thoughts. However, now with a week left until probably the most important election in some time I feel like it is time to explain my views in such a crucial time in our country. (Not that I am anyone important or you should follow what I say but its at least interesting to read)
For someone as myself who has followed politics for sometime I knew who Barack Obama was. In 2004 during the DNR little known Sen. Barack Obama delivered the keynote speech for the event and left a mark on not only the democratic party but also on politics as a whole. From that moment on I knew what we had here was a special politician who was poised to cross barriers. In 2005, my AVID teacher, Ms. Conradson, brought in a Time Magazine to class one day and it had a feature on Sen. Obama. I begged her to let me keep the magazine which she never gave me but I read it so many times. He was beyond just being a politician to me, he was a regular person with a vision of a better America.

Throughout this race I have felt a special connection with him. It's the feeling of liking a band more when they aren't big and then get that big break. Through him entering the race to the primaries I feel I have been there every step of the way. It was interesting to see such a figure so open to the public. There are countless pictures of him in normal situations. Him reading the sports page or playing with his daughters. We have seen him be a person, we seen him tear down stereotypes of what a politician is. After reading Dreams From My Father I felt he was just like me. Someone mixed in race never quite really fitting in. He was finally something I felt I could believe in.

Now of course we can't ignore what has seemed to be unrightfully the biggest deal during this election. Race. This election has really exposed an extremely ugly and well hidden side of America. Too many times I have seen people base their vote on the color of his skin. Too many times we have seen racial epithets used to describe him. It sickens my stomach to see this still alive in here still in this day and age.
People have tried to throw everything but the kitchen sink at this man. Telling us he's muslim. He's Arab. He's a terrorist. The thing with Barack is he must be bigger then that. He is the first serious black presidential candidate we've ever had. He is going to constantly be under a microscope. People are waiting for him to be the stereotypical black man. At that point they can dismiss him and move on. He must be better because he is held to a higher standard. He can't throw mud back he can't say slanderous things because as of right now he represents the black community. The world's attention is on him and he can't mess up.
Now along with an ugly side of America I believe this has shown a side of this country that brings me hope. For the first time in a long time I see so many people following politics more closely. I see people educating themselves and getting involved. I see so many people registering to vote. I think along with being the candidate people need he is the hope we need. The leader we need. I can only speak for myself but he has been such an inspiration in my life as well as a sign of hope to not only me but my siblings and little cousins who will feel the aftermath of this election. Never have I seen one man gather such excitement from so many people of different walks of lives and different backgrounds.
Now here I am a poor college student. An aspiring artist that doesn't have too much money to my name. Here I was down to my last bit of money.(No I won't tell you how much that last bit was) Yet I decided to donate 10 dollars to Obama's campaign. Now I'm positive that doesn't do much, maybe buys him a cup of starbucks coffee and a pastry in the morning but the amount wasn't the point. It was the fact that I believe in this man and his ideas enough that I wanted to give him money in support of what he stands for. I'm not gonna sit here and list why you should vote for Obama. I'm not gonna bash the Mccain/Palin ticket. I'm gonna tell you to vote. Educate yourself and vote for the person you believe should be running this country.
This is a beautiful photo essay put together that chronicles all of Obama's campaign and brings all sorts of emotions from me that he has come from so far to where he is today.
Obama Photo Essay
Don't forget to vote next tuesday. We need a leader after these past 8 years and in my eyes this man is it.

Anyone who knows me knows I have followed politics pretty closely for quite some time. I always promised myself I wouldn't ever strongly express my views on this blog because it was really intended for me to advertise my music and thoughts. However, now with a week left until probably the most important election in some time I feel like it is time to explain my views in such a crucial time in our country. (Not that I am anyone important or you should follow what I say but its at least interesting to read)
For someone as myself who has followed politics for sometime I knew who Barack Obama was. In 2004 during the DNR little known Sen. Barack Obama delivered the keynote speech for the event and left a mark on not only the democratic party but also on politics as a whole. From that moment on I knew what we had here was a special politician who was poised to cross barriers. In 2005, my AVID teacher, Ms. Conradson, brought in a Time Magazine to class one day and it had a feature on Sen. Obama. I begged her to let me keep the magazine which she never gave me but I read it so many times. He was beyond just being a politician to me, he was a regular person with a vision of a better America.

Throughout this race I have felt a special connection with him. It's the feeling of liking a band more when they aren't big and then get that big break. Through him entering the race to the primaries I feel I have been there every step of the way. It was interesting to see such a figure so open to the public. There are countless pictures of him in normal situations. Him reading the sports page or playing with his daughters. We have seen him be a person, we seen him tear down stereotypes of what a politician is. After reading Dreams From My Father I felt he was just like me. Someone mixed in race never quite really fitting in. He was finally something I felt I could believe in.

Now of course we can't ignore what has seemed to be unrightfully the biggest deal during this election. Race. This election has really exposed an extremely ugly and well hidden side of America. Too many times I have seen people base their vote on the color of his skin. Too many times we have seen racial epithets used to describe him. It sickens my stomach to see this still alive in here still in this day and age.
People have tried to throw everything but the kitchen sink at this man. Telling us he's muslim. He's Arab. He's a terrorist. The thing with Barack is he must be bigger then that. He is the first serious black presidential candidate we've ever had. He is going to constantly be under a microscope. People are waiting for him to be the stereotypical black man. At that point they can dismiss him and move on. He must be better because he is held to a higher standard. He can't throw mud back he can't say slanderous things because as of right now he represents the black community. The world's attention is on him and he can't mess up.
Now along with an ugly side of America I believe this has shown a side of this country that brings me hope. For the first time in a long time I see so many people following politics more closely. I see people educating themselves and getting involved. I see so many people registering to vote. I think along with being the candidate people need he is the hope we need. The leader we need. I can only speak for myself but he has been such an inspiration in my life as well as a sign of hope to not only me but my siblings and little cousins who will feel the aftermath of this election. Never have I seen one man gather such excitement from so many people of different walks of lives and different backgrounds.
Now here I am a poor college student. An aspiring artist that doesn't have too much money to my name. Here I was down to my last bit of money.(No I won't tell you how much that last bit was) Yet I decided to donate 10 dollars to Obama's campaign. Now I'm positive that doesn't do much, maybe buys him a cup of starbucks coffee and a pastry in the morning but the amount wasn't the point. It was the fact that I believe in this man and his ideas enough that I wanted to give him money in support of what he stands for. I'm not gonna sit here and list why you should vote for Obama. I'm not gonna bash the Mccain/Palin ticket. I'm gonna tell you to vote. Educate yourself and vote for the person you believe should be running this country.
This is a beautiful photo essay put together that chronicles all of Obama's campaign and brings all sorts of emotions from me that he has come from so far to where he is today.
Obama Photo Essay
Don't forget to vote next tuesday. We need a leader after these past 8 years and in my eyes this man is it.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Milk Cartons of the future
Sunday, October 26, 2008
My summer home in the future

I love spanish type architecture. When done correctly it comes out beautifully for a summer type home. It has to be done in a warm city or you lose the whole concept. I love how this one feels very open at some areas and very secluded at other areas but that is sort of the illusion made by the blinds they picked for this. I love burnt oranges or maroonish colors with this concept but it looks like they went with more of a wood feeling inside.

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Rose's Grey's Anatomy Blog #1
Editors note: Once a week I will hand over the keys of the blog to Rose to update you guys on the happenings of the new episode of Grey's Anatomy in her opinion. It will contain spoilers so if you haven't watched the new episode then skip this and view the other great posts. If you dont even watch Grey's Anatomy, start.
Well, let's start off with Meredith and McDreamy [*swoon*]. The time that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived; they are together and happy. We all know that they belong together and Nurse Rose was just a place holder for Derek while Meredith got her stuff together. Yes, they had some drama over "The Sheppard Method" but with his apology and gift of a jarred kidney... they're fixed. I don't know if it's just my pessimism kicking in here, but I predict horribly rocky times ahead for this now happy couple...
Oh, my alter ego, Cristina Yang. If you know me, you know that Cristina and I are one and the same. We even go through the same emotional rollercoasters at the same time. Coincidence? I think not. But shall we take a look at her hectic life?
She lost the perfect man not too long ago... for the sole reason that men are dumb. But she has found a new love interest in a man as hardcore as she is. Who else would staple their own thigh?! And as we saw at the end of the most recent episode, he's coming back as a doctor. Oh, yes, finally a man in her life. I'm excited to see where this goes.
Alex and Izzie. Yes, I've gone through my moments of hating both of them. But how could I stay mad at them? Alex is the jackass of the show, and Izzie is the girl that annoyingly cares too much; of course they belong together.
I must admit, I loved the scene where Alex simply goes to Izzie and says "hi" because she is THAT girl. I love them for being so in love with each other in such an unconventional way. They hooked up, broke each other's hearts, moved on to love other people, and are back together. Sad what happened to their previous love interests, but it has to be destiny that they're together. I will not lie here when I say I cried when they finally kissed out of pure passion for each other.
Oh, the tragedy of George and Lexi. Lexi finally snapped at the fact that George is a dumb man who doesn't recognize the signs. If you ask me, she snapped a locker-decoration too late. As cute as I think they are... I just don't see them as a couple. Sorry if that offends you in anyway. And sidenote: I'm envious of Lexi's photographic memory.
Callie and Erica Hanh. I do not like Hanh. She sucks at life. Just thought I should throw that one out there.
But them as a couple... They seem to be just so in love. I think it was just awkward watching them because I didn't know if Callie was actually a lesbian and I didn't want her to disappoint Erica. But seeing the end of that last episode has probably eliminated any doubts of Callie's sexual orientation. I think they'll work out just fine.
The Chief has been on edge lately... but I completely understand his need to be number one... and neglecting other decencies.
Bailey is still the best. No one can do what she does. I mean, a 12 way kidney transplant? If only I could accomplish something to that degree in my future professional career. I bet she got to keep the other jarred kidneys too. Hahaha.
Last but not least: McSteamy. He is the incredibly mean and sarcastic bastard of the show... and my favorite. He's a beautiful man... *drool*
Poor guy seemed so heartbroken at the fact that Callie turned out to be a raging lesbian. Of course, not so heartbroken when she asked him to teach her "The Sloan Method." Hahaha. Dirtyyy. There hasn't been much going on with his character... I hope he gets a new love interest soon. Or some sort of opportunity to do something great in his career, but "plastic surgeon" what can you do? It's like being a dermatologist. Hahaha...
And now, a shameless plug for my other favorite show: GOSSIP GIRL. Please, do tune in on Mondays on the CW at 9 [or was it 8?]. It has to be one of the greatest shows because the drama is just so unbelieveable and unattainable to us, seeing as we don't live on the Upper East Side. The guys are droolworthy and the girls are ferocious. And to those of you not caught up, I suggest you do so! I do hear that a male character who has been there since the beginning is gonna die... =T I am not looking forward to that. Don't take my word for it... but I think that it may be... Eric van der Woodson. But like I said, I hope it doesn't happen. Who needs real world drama when you have grade A drama here?
Stay tuned folks!
-R. Buhd.
Grey's Anatomy fans... I hope you have been making time for your fix of high school drama with medical action.
Well, let's start off with Meredith and McDreamy [*swoon*]. The time that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived; they are together and happy. We all know that they belong together and Nurse Rose was just a place holder for Derek while Meredith got her stuff together. Yes, they had some drama over "The Sheppard Method" but with his apology and gift of a jarred kidney... they're fixed. I don't know if it's just my pessimism kicking in here, but I predict horribly rocky times ahead for this now happy couple...
Oh, my alter ego, Cristina Yang. If you know me, you know that Cristina and I are one and the same. We even go through the same emotional rollercoasters at the same time. Coincidence? I think not. But shall we take a look at her hectic life?
She lost the perfect man not too long ago... for the sole reason that men are dumb. But she has found a new love interest in a man as hardcore as she is. Who else would staple their own thigh?! And as we saw at the end of the most recent episode, he's coming back as a doctor. Oh, yes, finally a man in her life. I'm excited to see where this goes.
Alex and Izzie. Yes, I've gone through my moments of hating both of them. But how could I stay mad at them? Alex is the jackass of the show, and Izzie is the girl that annoyingly cares too much; of course they belong together.
I must admit, I loved the scene where Alex simply goes to Izzie and says "hi" because she is THAT girl. I love them for being so in love with each other in such an unconventional way. They hooked up, broke each other's hearts, moved on to love other people, and are back together. Sad what happened to their previous love interests, but it has to be destiny that they're together. I will not lie here when I say I cried when they finally kissed out of pure passion for each other.
Oh, the tragedy of George and Lexi. Lexi finally snapped at the fact that George is a dumb man who doesn't recognize the signs. If you ask me, she snapped a locker-decoration too late. As cute as I think they are... I just don't see them as a couple. Sorry if that offends you in anyway. And sidenote: I'm envious of Lexi's photographic memory.
Callie and Erica Hanh. I do not like Hanh. She sucks at life. Just thought I should throw that one out there.
But them as a couple... They seem to be just so in love. I think it was just awkward watching them because I didn't know if Callie was actually a lesbian and I didn't want her to disappoint Erica. But seeing the end of that last episode has probably eliminated any doubts of Callie's sexual orientation. I think they'll work out just fine.
The Chief has been on edge lately... but I completely understand his need to be number one... and neglecting other decencies.
Bailey is still the best. No one can do what she does. I mean, a 12 way kidney transplant? If only I could accomplish something to that degree in my future professional career. I bet she got to keep the other jarred kidneys too. Hahaha.
Last but not least: McSteamy. He is the incredibly mean and sarcastic bastard of the show... and my favorite. He's a beautiful man... *drool*
Poor guy seemed so heartbroken at the fact that Callie turned out to be a raging lesbian. Of course, not so heartbroken when she asked him to teach her "The Sloan Method." Hahaha. Dirtyyy. There hasn't been much going on with his character... I hope he gets a new love interest soon. Or some sort of opportunity to do something great in his career, but "plastic surgeon" what can you do? It's like being a dermatologist. Hahaha...
And now, a shameless plug for my other favorite show: GOSSIP GIRL. Please, do tune in on Mondays on the CW at 9 [or was it 8?]. It has to be one of the greatest shows because the drama is just so unbelieveable and unattainable to us, seeing as we don't live on the Upper East Side. The guys are droolworthy and the girls are ferocious. And to those of you not caught up, I suggest you do so! I do hear that a male character who has been there since the beginning is gonna die... =T I am not looking forward to that. Don't take my word for it... but I think that it may be... Eric van der Woodson. But like I said, I hope it doesn't happen. Who needs real world drama when you have grade A drama here?
Stay tuned folks!
-R. Buhd.
I dont care what no one says I like this song
I'm not a big Soulja Boy fan but he is doing his thing and making legal money so I'm not mad at him and quite honestly he is good at making hooks, something that is a lost art these days. Regardless I like this song.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Sasha Fierce....?

I usually like breaking new news I find but this time I found it from my friend and fellow blogger. I will let you guys just read it in her words.
Ms. Beyonce Knowles has decided to bring out her alter ego and give herself a new name. She decided to go with something "more fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken and more glamours"(if the name Beyonce wasn't all of that in a wrap already).
Her choice is nothing compared to a Sean John name change.
drum roll please
Here I present to you Ms. Sasha Fierce!
She also decided to have her next album title, I AM... Sasha Fierce.
Go ahead Beyonce/ Sasha Fierce! You earn a little name change!
-Little Miss Sunshine

Finally for the first time in 10 years we are getting a confirmation on Street Fighter 4 on all next-gen consoles this winter. If you guys are like me Street Fighter was an essential part of your childhood and tis excites you. Already Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li and Dhalsim have all been confirmed and the new graphics should breath life into a game I love so dearly.
Street Fighter 4
Coolest concept for transportation ever
New Motorola Aura

AURA features the world’s first circular display with 16 million colors and 300 dpi resolution.
The display is covered with Grade 1, 62-carat sapphire crystal lens, one of the most scratch-resistant materials on earth, and the housing is crafted from stainless steel that is electro- and hand polished, chemically etched, and PVD coated. The handset has an assisted-opening blade that is comprised of a Swiss-made, custom-engineered rotating mechanism with 130 precision ball bearings and custom Tungsten Carbide Coated Gears.
To separate the phone from the full, we should tell you that the AURA sports quad-Band GSM 850/900/1800/1900, EDGE, a 2 MP Fixed Focus camera, Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR with A2DP, text and email messaging, multimedia playback, and a yet to be named open source browser. It is expected to launch worldwide at the beginning of Q4 2008.
This looks like it's not a PDA but more of a luxury type phone that a few makers have been doing. Its a cool concept and sleek design that should be quite popular when it drops.

Portrait by Fredrikson Stallard
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Machine Head House in Japan

By Japanese Architect Norisada Maeda. Completed this past april, the building lives up to it mechanically-inspired name by using a concrete and steel structure clad with metal on the interior and exterior. inside, bolts protrude from metal panels, making the material very obvious. despite the heavy materials, the building remains light and airy.

Sooner or Later
New song by Drake I really like. I think he could have went without the auto-tune because he's a really good singer but this is a good song.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I love this kind of pattern..makes it feel like winter

From supreme's winter line. Pretty fresh if you ask me.
P.S. shout out to Danny for being one of my favorite readers..haha
and congratulations to my friend Jessica.

Monday, October 20, 2008
Synecdoche, New York
I love Charlie Kaufman's writing and I think Phillip Seymour Hoffman may be one of the better actors there is right now. I am so excited for this movie and expect it to be like Charlie's other movies but even more different now that he is making his directorial debut.
"Gotta bop like this.."
I don't point this out to say this is a great video or artistic or anything but if you watch from when he starts walking you will be amazed at his diddy bop. His swag was on a zillion at that moment.
And is this a silly thing to point out? Of course but I got Acid Reflux and I can't record so I'm pretty much left pointing out minor things. But in life it is the small things that matter.
And by the way thanks to anyone who reads this regularly and Jessica for telling me she reads it. Makes every post feel worthwhile when people tell me that.
It's like how I would design my room when I was 8..haha

This is a Moroso showroom designed by London based designers Jonathan Levien and Nipa Doshi. Very colorful and almost cartoonish but I love it. I believe when you go over the top is has to be done correct and this one I feel was. It feels like candyland. haha. But I want to just hang out there for a week.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Nice Leathers for the winter
Compliments to Bryan

A while ago I was on my friend Bryan's blog and happened to see these shoes and immediately loved them. I didn't know when they were releasing or where but I needed them.
Fast forward to yesterday I was with my friend at Zumiez and seen them and thought to myself I may never see them again so I impulsively bought them. They are such a beautiful shoe that I don't regret buying them and actually want to take this time out to thank Bryan for introducing me to these shoes.
I suggest you guys go to find out all sorts of cool things at:
Some dope duffel bags

I like bags. I like backpacks, luggage and any other bag you can think of. I love these Head Porter duffel bags coming out if only for the simple design and the general look of it.
Head Porter Duffel Bags

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