Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rose's Grey's Anatomy Blog #1

Editors note: Once a week I will hand over the keys of the blog to Rose to update you guys on the happenings of the new episode of Grey's Anatomy in her opinion. It will contain spoilers so if you haven't watched the new episode then skip this and view the other great posts. If you dont even watch Grey's Anatomy, start.

Grey's Anatomy fans... I hope you have been making time for your fix of high school drama with medical action.

Well, let's start off with Meredith and McDreamy [*swoon*]. The time that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived; they are together and happy. We all know that they belong together and Nurse Rose was just a place holder for Derek while Meredith got her stuff together. Yes, they had some drama over "The Sheppard Method" but with his apology and gift of a jarred kidney... they're fixed. I don't know if it's just my pessimism kicking in here, but I predict horribly rocky times ahead for this now happy couple...

Oh, my alter ego, Cristina Yang. If you know me, you know that Cristina and I are one and the same. We even go through the same emotional rollercoasters at the same time. Coincidence? I think not. But shall we take a look at her hectic life?
She lost the perfect man not too long ago... for the sole reason that men are dumb. But she has found a new love interest in a man as hardcore as she is. Who else would staple their own thigh?! And as we saw at the end of the most recent episode, he's coming back as a doctor. Oh, yes, finally a man in her life. I'm excited to see where this goes.

Alex and Izzie. Yes, I've gone through my moments of hating both of them. But how could I stay mad at them? Alex is the jackass of the show, and Izzie is the girl that annoyingly cares too much; of course they belong together.
I must admit, I loved the scene where Alex simply goes to Izzie and says "hi" because she is THAT girl. I love them for being so in love with each other in such an unconventional way. They hooked up, broke each other's hearts, moved on to love other people, and are back together. Sad what happened to their previous love interests, but it has to be destiny that they're together. I will not lie here when I say I cried when they finally kissed out of pure passion for each other.

Oh, the tragedy of George and Lexi. Lexi finally snapped at the fact that George is a dumb man who doesn't recognize the signs. If you ask me, she snapped a locker-decoration too late. As cute as I think they are... I just don't see them as a couple. Sorry if that offends you in anyway. And sidenote: I'm envious of Lexi's photographic memory.

Callie and Erica Hanh. I do not like Hanh. She sucks at life. Just thought I should throw that one out there.
But them as a couple... They seem to be just so in love. I think it was just awkward watching them because I didn't know if Callie was actually a lesbian and I didn't want her to disappoint Erica. But seeing the end of that last episode has probably eliminated any doubts of Callie's sexual orientation. I think they'll work out just fine.

The Chief has been on edge lately... but I completely understand his need to be number one... and neglecting other decencies.

Bailey is still the best. No one can do what she does. I mean, a 12 way kidney transplant? If only I could accomplish something to that degree in my future professional career. I bet she got to keep the other jarred kidneys too. Hahaha.

Last but not least: McSteamy. He is the incredibly mean and sarcastic bastard of the show... and my favorite. He's a beautiful man... *drool*
Poor guy seemed so heartbroken at the fact that Callie turned out to be a raging lesbian. Of course, not so heartbroken when she asked him to teach her "The Sloan Method." Hahaha. Dirtyyy. There hasn't been much going on with his character... I hope he gets a new love interest soon. Or some sort of opportunity to do something great in his career, but "plastic surgeon" what can you do? It's like being a dermatologist. Hahaha...

And now, a shameless plug for my other favorite show: GOSSIP GIRL. Please, do tune in on Mondays on the CW at 9 [or was it 8?]. It has to be one of the greatest shows because the drama is just so unbelieveable and unattainable to us, seeing as we don't live on the Upper East Side. The guys are droolworthy and the girls are ferocious. And to those of you not caught up, I suggest you do so! I do hear that a male character who has been there since the beginning is gonna die... =T I am not looking forward to that. Don't take my word for it... but I think that it may be... Eric van der Woodson. But like I said, I hope it doesn't happen. Who needs real world drama when you have grade A drama here?

Stay tuned folks!

-R. Buhd.

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